N6 designer chef knife
This unique piece is forged from spring steel
and has a very special cut.
The so-called "S" key. This cut prevents the annoying sticking of food while cutting, as everyone knows. Even with the highest quality Damascus knives, this cut is usually not available.
The handle is at the physiological angle and feel to the anatomy of the hand customized. That means it is angled a little upwards. (Can be seen very clearly in the video)
This means that cutting vegetables, meat, sausage, bread and cheese, etc. a joy .
The design is very appealing and ... as always extravagant ...
Blade length: 24.5 cm
Handle length: 13 cm
Total length: 37 cm
Price: € 395.- Sold

This unique piece is forged from spring steel
and has a very special cut.
The so-called "S" grind. This grind prevents the annoying sticking of food during cutting, as everyone knows. Even the highest quality Damascus knives usually do not have this grind.
The handle is adapted to the anatomy of the hand in terms of its physiological angle and feel. This means that it is angled slightly upwards. (Very clearly visible in the video)
This makes cutting vegetables, meat, sausage, bread, cheese, etc. a pleasure.
The design is very appealing and ...as always extravagant..
Blade length: 24.5 cm
Handle length: 13 cm
Total length: 37 cm
Price: € 395.- Sold